what's gotten india?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

our quarter breaks

Time goes by so fast! It was just quarter break at Woodstock, which means that students have a chance to go home for a couple of days if they live close by and those who don't have an opportunity to go hiking, shopping or rafting. For quarter break I decided to stay at school to work in the clay studio, paint the walls of our appartment and hike a couple hills. It was a relaxing time for me, but not so relaxing for Casey because he led a group of students to Rishikesh to go rafting and camping

Here is a picture of flag hill, since I work during the day I don't have alot of chances to do some of the hikes that are near by. During my break I also visited the bazzar and found out that I have the talent of spending every single rupee that I have in my wallet.

This picture doesn't really show off the walls that I have painted in our appartment, and I am still painting more (it can be very addicting) but it shows that we have made our place homey. Notice in the background that Casey is making Chai in our kitchen. I hope that this picture may tempt some of you to visit!

Here are some pictures of Casey and the boys that went camping and rafting. For some it was the first time that they had every slept in a tent! He also brought the game of skip-bo along and got some of them hooked.


  • At 6:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    so that painting hanging up in your house..is that not the one, KC, that you gave to me for Christmas? haha... o well.. i can't remember, maybe i let you have it. i want to spend rupees!!!!

  • At 8:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    wow! nice apartment. It definitely makes me want to come and visit, or live there. Did they provide you with all of the nice furniture? So how would it be there with a small kid? Would the monkey's attack him and carry him away? Anyways, keep the pictures coming. bye for now, oh and arlo says "shoes" to you...it is his only word right now. Oh yeah and he his favorite food right now is pickles. He will open the fridge and point at them and whine until we give him one, which he will then munch on as he walks around. Ok, this time bye for now.

  • At 11:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thanks for the pics guys..your place looks very inviting...looking forward to the time we can see it in person...


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