this tuesday marked the beginning of school for us here. campus was a-buzz again with students, all excited to be "home" and catch up with their friends. that night we were awoken to flashes of lightning and loud thunder and tapping on the roof... thinking great, finally some rain as the hillside was getting extremely dry. soon though the loud tapping of rain stopped and the muffling snow took over.
this is a view from the school towards town. you can see the clock tower in the distance, this is where the new restaurant is, yep, that's the big news around here.... good pizza and real coffee! you can also see the terraces of the school's organic farm in the bottom of the picture.
this is a view from the school towards town. you can see the clock tower in the distance, this is where the new restaurant is, yep, that's the big news around here.... good pizza and real coffee! you can also see the terraces of the school's organic farm in the bottom of the picture.
looking down from school towards the dorms and the dehradun valley.
this is the main road that runs along the mountain. it was nice and peaceful for awhile, but soon word of the snow reached the people on the plains and the roads were packed for the next couple of days. there were tonnes of men, all cruising on their motorcycles, yelling, drinking, singing and throwing snowballs... but it's all melted now and things are nice and quiet again.
this is the main road that runs along the mountain. it was nice and peaceful for awhile, but soon word of the snow reached the people on the plains and the roads were packed for the next couple of days. there were tonnes of men, all cruising on their motorcycles, yelling, drinking, singing and throwing snowballs... but it's all melted now and things are nice and quiet again.